Friday, July 31, 2015

CIA on the Couch

Originally shared by Ortaiηe Ðeviaη

CIA on the Couch
Why there would have been no torture without the psychologists.
12.12/14 •

Thanks to revelations in the newly released report from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, it is now widely known that the CIA’s torture program was created, supervised, and implemented by two licensed clinical psychologists—James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen—who were paid millions of dollars for their efforts. Less widely known is that the Bush administration’s torture operation, at both the CIA and the Pentagon—at “black sites” and at Guantanamo—was devised and supervised largely by clinical psychologists. These psychologists used their knowledge of the workings of the human mind and psychological “mind-control” research to induce “learned helplessness” and “debility, dependency, and dread,” aiming to destroy the minds of detainees in the hope that “actionable intelligence” and “critical threat information” could be sifted from the wreckage.  
The psychologists were vital to the torture program for one additional reason: The Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel had determined that the presence of psychologists and physicians, monitoring the state and condition of the prisoner being tortured, afforded protection for the CIA leadership and the Bush administration from liability and potential prosecution for the torture. Later, the OLC applied the same rules to the Defense Department’s “enhanced interrogation program,” which, according to an investigation by the Senate Armed Services Committee, was created and overseen by a team led by a clinical psychologist, and eventually overseen exclusively by clinical psychologists.
But this scandal has not been fully exposed, nor is it over. It turns out that for psychologists to be able to do the Bush administration’s bidding and oversee the torture of detainees, they required not only indemnification for legal liability (Mitchell and Jessen were promised a $5 million legal defense fund by the CIA), but they also required indemnification from another source—a higher authority, if you will. Medical professionals are beholden to their respective professional ethics codes. The psychologists involved in the “enhanced interrogation techniques”—what most of us call torture—were concerned about being brought up on charges of ethics violations. If found guilty of ethical violations, these psychologists could lose their licenses and, according to CIA and Defense Department regulations, they could lose their positions and potential for future professional work. The same applies today, as monitoring remains an essential component of the Obama administration’s adherence to the new Army Field Manual, with its own set of “enhanced interrogation techniques.”
Recent revelations in James Risen’s new book, Pay Any Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War, add an additional dimension to this story—it appears that senior staff members of the American Psychological Association, the world’s largest association of psychologists, colluded with national security psychologists from the CIA, the Pentagon, and the White House to adapt APA ethics policy to suit the needs of the psychologist-interrogators. Now, the APA, under enormous pressure because of the allegations reported by Risen, has agreed to an independent investigation to be conducted by David Hoffman, a former inspector general and federal prosecutor. It will in all likelihood provide a rare opportunity to look inside the secret world of APA-counterintelligence collusion.
It appears that the American Psychological Association colluded with the CIA to bend the profession’s rules of ethics to permit torture.
Risen based his allegations on emails found on the personal computer of Scott Gerwehr, a researcher at the Rand Corp. and apparent CIA consultant, who died in a motorcycle accident in 2008. Gerwehr had established close ongoing collaboration with a group of “national security psychologists who had influence behind the scenes at key institutions throughout Washington.” Among them were Susan Brandon, behavioral science adviser at the Bush White House (she is now chief interrogation scientist for the Obama administration) and Kirk Hubbard, the CIA’s chief behavioral scientist. Hubbard has publicly admitted to bringing Mitchell and Jessen into the CIA to design the agency’s “enhanced interrogation” program. Brandon, Hubbard, Gerwehr, and Geoff Mumford, APA’s director of science policy, had worked together since soon after the 9/11 attacks to bring psychologist-researchers together with psychologist-operatives to collaborate on issues related to national security interrogations and interrogations research. Mitchell and Jessen were among the operatives present at these invitation-only meetings.
In July 2004, months before the role of psychologists in torture was made public when a report from the International Committee of the Red Cross on Guantanamo was leaked to the New York Times, Hubbard, Gerwehr, and personnel from the CIA and Pentagon were invited by Mumford and APA’s ethics director Stephen Behnke to a secret meeting. Publicly the APA has claimed at various points that the meeting was to address challenges faced by domestic law enforcement investigations. However, the true goal of the meeting, according to the emails obtained by Risen, was to “bring together people with an interest in national-security” interrogations and to “ask individuals involved in the work what the salient issues” were and to “provide guidance” for the ethical issues that may come up with regard to those interrogations—the very interrogations so nauseatingly described in the Senate report.
We might divine some of the immediate motivation for convening this meeting from information released this week in the Senate committee’s report. The report cites a CIA inspector general review, dated May 7, 2004, in which CIA psychologists were raising ethical questions about the way Mitchell and Jessen were conducting their interrogations: “Psychologists objected to the use of on-site psychologists as interrogators and raised conflict of interest and ethical concerns.” The questions were reportedly “based on a concern that the on-site psychologists who were administering the [CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques] participated in the evaluations, assessing the effectiveness and impact of the [CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques] on the detainees.” Could it be that these were the same fears that had prompted Hubbard, Mumford, and Behnke to brainstorm on APA ethics and national security?
As a direct result of this secret meeting, Mumford and Behnke proposed the creation of an APA task force to determine APA’s ethics policy on psychologists’ participation in national security interrogations. The task force met in June 2005 and decided that “it is consistent with the APA Ethics Code for psychologists to serve in consultative roles to interrogation and information-gathering processes for national security-related purposes.” In this conclusion, the APA stood alone among health professions. The other major national organizations of physicians, psychiatrists, and nurses all determined that their ethical obligations prohibited their members from participating in these interrogations. But the APA concluded that it was not only ethical for psychologists to participate, the leadership claimed that psychologists were necessary to keep national security interrogations “safe, legal, ethical, and effective,” roles that the other health professions determined were conflicting, unethical, and impossible to perform responsibly. 
APA members have long suspected that the creation of the task force was a predetermined rubber stamp for CIA and Defense Department policy because a majority of its members were drawn from CIA and Pentagon units directly involved in national-security interrogations or interrogation research. But there was only circumstantial evidence that its members had been chosen for what appeared to be a CIA- and Defense Department–determined fait accompli.
With the publication of the Gerwehr emails, however, Risen has provided the smoking gun. It is undoubtedly this email exchange, from APA’s Mumford to CIA’s Hubbard that pressed the APA into agreeing to an independent investigation: On July 5, 2005—the day the task force released its report, Mumford sent Hubbard a copy of the report and wrote: “I also wanted to semi-publicly acknowledge your personal contribution ... in getting this effort off the ground. ... Your views were well represented by very carefully selected task force members.” He went on to reveal that Susan Brandon had served as an “observer” at the task force meeting (the observers’ names had not been made public) and “helped craft some language related to research” for the task force report. And then, Risen provides one additional bombshell—at the time of Mumford’s thank-you letter, Hubbard had retired from the CIA and was working directly for Mitchell Jessen and Associates, the company created in 2005 by the two psychologists specifically for the purpose of conducting their work with the CIA. Between 2005 and 2009, their firm collected $81 million from the CIA.
Since its release, members of the APA have fought to rescind the task force report and keep psychologists out of national security interrogations. But every time a policy is proposed or passed, the APA leadership has found a way to subvert its intent. In 2008, a group of APA members appealed to the entire membership in a referendum to prohibit psychologists from participating in any operation that violates the Geneva Conventions or the United Nations Convention Against Torture. The referendum passed overwhelmingly and in February 2009 was made APA official policy by the member-run council. Yet to date, APA leadership refuses to implement the referendum, claiming the APA cannot determine when U.S. national security policy violates international law; the APA holds to this position even in the face of judgments rendered by the United Nations Committee Against Torture, for example, as to the illegal status of indefinite detentions at Guantanamo Bay.
We await the results of the independent investigation. In the meantime, there are three questions Americans and the profession of psychology must answer together. Why did the APA devote its resources to guarantee psychologists’ presence in these criminal operations? How did the U.S. government permit this weaponization of psychology? And how can we hold the psychologists who apparently created, justified, supervised, and implemented torture, and the professional association that seems to have supported those psychologists, to account?
Steven Reisner is a psychoanalyst and founding member of the Coalition for an Ethical Psychology and adviser on ethics and psychology for Physicians for Human Rights.

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the...

Originally shared by Unwitting Experimentee

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.”  – Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and longtime editor-in-chief of the New England Medical Journal (NEMJ).

“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.”  – Dr. Richard Horton, the current editor-in-chief of the Lancet – considered to be one of the most well respected peer-reviewed medical journals in the world.

#PsychiatricTotalitarianism #Torture #DrugNation

Originally shared by Kevin Woolcock

#PsychiatricTotalitarianism #Torture #DrugNation  
The Role of Psychiatry in Nazi Germany and the U. S. Violence Initiative #DrugsOfYouth  

I became aware of this murder of psychiatric patients from a book called "The Nazi Doctors" way back in the early 1990s.  Psychiatry has a long history of working for the state to control, punish and otherwise silence "inconvenient" people.  It continues today.

Most psychiatric drugs can cause withdrawal reactions, sometimes including life-threatening emotional and physical withdrawal problems. In short, it is not only dangerous to start taking psychiatric drugs, it can also be dangerous to stop them. Withdrawal from psychiatric drugs should be done carefully under experienced clinical supervision

This is one of the most spirited and yet heavily documented talks that Dr. Peter Breggin has ever given. It may be one of the most interesting and important talks that you will ever see and hear. Dr. Breggin was unaware of the existence of the video until very recently. 
The talk was presented in Harlem in the early 1990s at a time when Dr. Breggin was blowing the whistle on and conducting a campaign against the racist eugenic program commonly known as the Federal Violence Initiative. In his filmed speech, Dr. Breggin begins by describing the roots of biological, genetic and racist psychiatry in Nazi Germany.  He tells the grim history of how the organized murder of Germany’s mental patients became the entering wedge for the broader Holocaust.  He also shows how the American Psychiatric Association supported the killing of retarded children in the United States. These historical facts, which had never before been presented in America, are covered in Part I of the video of his talk: Psychiatric Totalitarianism and the Role of Psychiatry in Nazi Germany.    
In recounting and documenting the tragic events in Nazi Germany and the near tragic events in the United States in the early 1990s, this extraordinary video confirms the need for eternal vigilance against the extremes of biological and genetic psychiatry.

I truly believe that the cure for every disease and source of inflammation in the body can be found in nature's...

Originally shared by Unwitting Experimentee

I truly believe that the cure for every disease and source of inflammation in the body can be found in nature's farmacy.

Michelle Thomasson Like we were saying :)

Originally shared by Colin Hammill

Michelle Thomasson Like we were saying :)

Monday, July 13, 2015

"an overview, in the American Psychologist, of radiation impacts on human perceptions, cites investigations at the...

"an overview, in the American Psychologist, of radiation impacts on human perceptions, cites investigations at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research that demonstrated 'receiverless' wireless voice transmission: "Appropriate modulation of microwave energy can result in direct 'wireless' and 'receiverless' communication of speech."

Footnote {7}  D.R. Justesen. "Microwaves and Behavior", Am Psychologist, 392(Mar): 391–401, 1975.


Microwave auditory effect

I am guessing that the APA and the AMA do not do their homework very well...!!!  After all these are their own publications.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Any Article against Psychiatry which helps TI claims is good enough for me

Any Article against Psychiatry which helps TI claims is good enough for me

Project Bizarre Weapons Implications: Are Psychiatric Diagnosis, and Microwave Exposure Standards Presumptive? 2008.


Another MUST READ 

Focus on this part a bit:

According to Dr. Robert Becker,

"Synthetic Telepathy has applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with voices or deliver undetected instructions to a programmed assassin."

This technology may have contributed to the deaths of 25 defense scientists variously employed by Marconi Underwater and Defense Systems, Easems and GEC.

Most of the scientists worked on highly sensitive electronic warfare programs for NATO, including the Strategic Defense Initiative. It is claimed that directed energy weapons might have been used to literally drive these men to suicide and 291accidents.


These are of interest to all TIs

These are of interest to all TIs

Symptoms, Published Evidence, and Military Interest/Funding

This is a gem of an Article that the corrupt and evil APA and AMA should read and respond to as well

This is a gem of an Article that the corrupt and evil APA and AMA should read and respond to as well

I propose a similar action in this country

I hate to think that none of us have the courage to do what this British Organization, Christians Against Mental Slavery, have done
Until something is done, use these arguments, references, claims, recommendations, and most importantly their supportive evidence, against verbal attacks on your mentality, particularly when dealing with the corrupt members of the APA or AMA, and / or even Law Enforcement.

Another gutsy and heroic Author whose articles the APA and AMA should read and publicly respond to the following...

Another gutsy and heroic Author whose articles the APA and AMA should read and publicly respond to the following well researched articles.

John J. McMurtrey is an expert researcher.  John J. McMurtrey, holds a B.S. in Biology graduating with Honors in 1973, a M.S. in Cellular and Molecular Biology in 1975, and attended Medical School from 1977-1980 at Tulane University

Inner Voice, Target Tracking, and Behavioral Influence Technologies
John J. McMurtrey, M. S.,a Copyright 2003, 6 Apr. 2005b


Inner voice transmission development by ultrasound and microwave technique is reviewed as well as target tracking literature. References recognizing behavioral influence technologies are surveyed along with reported instances of the use of microwave and ultrasound energy forms on people. Many aspects of the considered literature directly contradict professional presumptions, particularly within the psychological and psychiatric communities.

I also recommend the following articles of his:
A Simulated Hallucination Mechanism Compared to Hallucination

Brain Response Studies

John J. McMurtrey, a Copyright 2007, May 3, 2007


The substantiation for a simulated hallucination mechanism is compared to brain response findings during hallucination in review. A technology for simulating auditory hallucination has had development that is based on the microwave hearing effect. The microwave hearing effect produces auditory responses consistent with many observations of brain activation occurring during hallucination. Some studies regarded as of hallucination indicate brain responses from the more initial auditory pathway that particularly support a microwave hearing mechanism. Further research is advocated for definitive differential diagnosis of simulated hallucination.


Recording Microwave Hearing Effects: Literature Review and Case Report of an Affiant to Recording Remote Harassment, John J. McMurtrey, M. S., Copyright 2006, 2008 Jul 20

A 6 page article by same Author

In the first page you will find plenty on Microwave and Tin Foil, including the following which I tested, heard as claimed here and recorded:

" In appropriate materials and situations the thermoacoustic vibrations are strong enough to be air conducted with reports of such sound production. The ability to hear microwave pulses impinging on tin foil held next to the ear is described. 11

Footnote 11   Justesen DR. “Microwaves and Behavior” Am Psychologist, 392(Mar): 391-401, 1975. 

On page 2 you will find the following:

"Other sounds that the affiant affirms not to be made by him and intended to harass him at night, resembled snoring or nasal and oropharyngeal sounds. The provided videocassette contained compiled recordings of similar sound episodes (as well as sounds that may be distorted voice, as so affirmed by the affiant). "


Here is another good article by this Author

Technological Simulation of Hallucination John J. McMurtrey, M. S. a and Edward A. Moore, M. D. b Copyright 2005, 6 Jan. 2008


Background: Psychiatrists frequently evaluate complaints of remote sound transmission. Aim: Evidence for technologies capable of remote sound or voice transmission isolated to individuals is surveyed along with target tracking capacity that can maintain apparent psychosis. Method: Examination of government reports, engineering databases, the patent database post 1976, PubMed, and the Internet for available pertinent authentic sources. Results: Ultrasound and radio frequency voice transmission are described as methods to remotely isolate voice to individuals. Accounts of ultrasound and radio frequency energy forms used on people also exist. Conclusion: Evidence indicates development of technologies capable of remotely isolating sound and voice to an individual. Covert misuse of such technologies would result in simulated hallucination, which has no diagnostic recognition.

“Such a device has obvious applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with ‘voices’ or deliver undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin.”

--Robert O. Becker regarding microwave hearing voice transmission, who was twice Nobel Prize nominated for biological electromagnetic fields research. 1

Yet another great article by this Author

Remote Behavioral Influence Technology Evidence

by John J. McMurtrey, M. S.[a], Copyright 2003, 23 Dec. 2003[b]

People discerning remote manipulation by technology capable of such influence have formed protest organizations across the world.[1] [2] [3] [4] Educated society is uninformed regarding authentic documentation of the development and existence of these technologies, and unaware of the dangers. Complaint of 'hearing voices' and perception of other remote manipulation must receive appropriate scientific and legal investigation with protection. Professional awareness is virtually absent with eminent texts and opinion being presumptuous, without appraisal of the evidence.

Herein is substantiated:

1. Human wireless internal voice transmission and tracking technologies.
2. Reports of electroencephalographic (EEG) thought reading capacity, evidence of covert development, and remote EEG capture technology.
3. References to the use of these, or similar technologies against humans.

This is the last Article I found by him

 John J. McMurtrey M. S.,[1] Copyright 2002, 10 Apr. 2005


The substantiation for microwave voice transmission development, which can be isolated to an individual, prompts review of the correlation between microwave bioeffects and schizophrenia.  These correlations are extensive.  Studies of both conditions report short-term and spatial memory deficit, time estimation changes, deficits in sequencing, coordination deficit, numerous electrophysiologic changes, startle decrease, neurotransmitter changes, hormone alterations, immune alterations, mitochondria deficits, lipid phosphorylation decrease, lipid peroxidation, deleterious histologic change in disease reduced brain areas, activation of hallucination involved brain areas, and ocular disease.  Schizophrenia findings correlate with microwave bioeffects so extensively as to indicate a congruence, and appear to implicate a microwave involvement with enough patients to be remarkable in study results.  The development of methods to exclude microwave means in psychosis is imperative, and research is proposed.
See Footnote [10] O’Loughlin JP and Loree DL. Patent # 6587729 “Apparatus for audibly communicating speech using the radio frequency hearing effect” USPTO granted 7/1/03.

Monday, July 6, 2015

This well written and MUST READ 6 part article is titled:

This well written and MUST READ 6 part article is titled:
The Silent Massacre - Electronic Torture & Mind Control in America and Law Enforcement Complicity

It is written by:
By Nicholas Kirkland

It can be found at:

Saturday, July 4, 2015

On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology

This article is a big kahuna for all TIs to use as defense as well as against the evil and corrupt practices of the APA and of the AMA who are proceduraly attributing to TIs fabricated mental disorders in order to aid and to abet corrupt and evil government programs and activities.
It was written by our heroine Psychoanalyst Carole Smith

Global Research, December 13, 2007
Dissent Magazine, Australia, Summer 2007/2008 13 December 2007

I invite the APA and AMA to read this and to issue a public response



Some of the Must Reads:

Some of the Must Reads:

CIA Engineer has revealed the ongoing mass secret torture of American Citizens by antenna technology