Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Is the Key To Schizophrenia In Your Throat Bacteria? – Your News Wire
Originally shared by Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Good to know
Originally shared by Marina Sanchez
Good to know
Good to know
Very good info
Originally shared by Timothy Adams
Very good info
Very good info
Sunday, March 13, 2016
The movie "A Beautiful Mind" was the true story of microchipping.
Originally shared by Renee Pittman Books
The movie "A Beautiful Mind" was the true story of microchipping.
The movie "A Beautiful Mind" was the true story of microchipping.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Letter to Mental Health Professionals
Nov 16, 2008
Author John Mecca
www.su-government-torture.com &
Letter to Mental Health Professionals
Author John Mecca
There are a number of psychiatrists and psychologists and other authorities who regularly visit this and other websites like it claiming such is the result of mental disturbed individuals living out their delusional reality. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The information on this site and others like it is controversial for those whom have a bona fide interest in the serving the nation and communities to see that mentally disturbed individuals do not become reinforced in their delusion that they are victims of directed energy, covertly implanted devices and gang stalked.
To begin, first the author of this website and a few others have had the most advanced test done proving that they are in fact implanted with covertly installed devices emitting near lethal levels of radio and electric energy. This test was carried out using an advanced sensor conforming to C95.3-2002, subpart (5.6) of IEEE Recommended "Practice for Measurements and Computations of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields with Respect to Human Exposure".
The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) is the world's leading professional association for the advancement of technology, setting standards for industry and governments around the world.
Some authorities as mentioned in a New York Times article of Nov. 12, 2008 draw conclusions without having heard about this particular website and the test mentioned above, although innocent of having not heard about this test a surly belligerent attitude prevails in regards to the remarks from a Yale psychiatrist Dr. Ralph Hoffman who says " belief in mind control via websites like this one have belief systems like a shark that has to constantly be fed, if you don't feed the delusion sooner or later it will die out and diminish on its own accord" and from a psychologist from Britain Mr. Vaugan Bell PHD, their remarks believe an attitude of being know it alls or purposefully covering up the use of advanced weapons on individuals. If their concern were of the highest ethical and professional standards what with the current commercial activity of fabricating implants for all purposes you would think they would suggest a deeper look into the subject. Mr. Vaughan Bell PHD says that "he does not consider all people participating in Mind Control sites are delusional and that a firm diagnosis could only be done in person".
Why do highly educated individuals supposedly condemn without verification of the claims of those who say they are victims? These educated men in authority positions capable of sending people to mental hospitals upon their opinion that such behavior is a danger to the public welfare or a danger to themselves or ostensibly even adjudged to be of potential resource to terrorism as is codified in the US CODE legislation ADEPA "Anti terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1997" .
Though likely well meaning these educated Doctors are obviously suffering from a self conditioned delusional state and succumbed to a psychosis in having a God complex instigated by "egomania" in their believing they know the truth simply because they are superior in their wisdom and high learning. Alas editors too are somewhat guilty although their education is not often as broad as psychiatrists and psychologists, they still have responsibility to report the truth as is known and proven, where the editor of the story this response comes from was written by Sarah Kershaw of the NY Times. With the multi million dollar budgets allocated for investigative journalism it seems apparent that this countries holocaust would go undetected because we the victims are not important enough to spend some time and money to discover the truth, or could there be a nefarious reason, one that is to purposefully cover up. Many might think this mere delusion to think a conspiracy exists but then again there are laws in this countries US Code that are there for the very purpose to keep the lid on.
One must wonder if the attitudes of these two so called authority figures is prevalent, as such ignorance demonstrated is how we have the economic meltdown and the loss of rights, these things were done by ignorance and design to perpetuate the careers of certain individuals as well. Why don't these educated men have the generalist research knowhow training from their respective institutions of higher learning that they graduated from and got their degrees from to embark upon a wider latitude that mere speculative psychoanalysis observation of the purported victims, why not actually do a legitimate investigation or at the very least suggest one, could they be technically illiterate or are they operatives for the government to keep these things from being believed. What don't they say, well I have some worry with the advanced technology available these people may be telling the truth we should have electronic engineers and electronics tests done; no they don't say any such thing for good reason and that is that they are in a delusional state as hard heads insist electronic attacks don't exist. Are there not neuro-scientists involved with prostheses on their campuses whom could illuminate their feeble base of knowledge to understand implants and masers and gangs do indeed exist and are more than likely being tested on the victims reporting these activities.
The total intellectual property of mind control from the US Patent office is astounding and we do not even have the German, English, French, Italian, European, Japanese or Russian patents to show you but click this and see that the body's of work are enormous http://www.us-government-torture.com/techie.html and there is another facet to unveil for those seeking the truth there are laws that allow such tragedy to visit hapless innocents of our country and they can be seen and read about on http://www.secretangel.tv
Assertions by psychiatrists and psychologists that persons espousing mind control attacks are delusional are here taken to task that those authorities are ill equipped to determine any such thing, but instead engineers are needed to further investigate what psychiatrists and psychologists know nothing about. In regards to psychiatrists and psychologists being now made aware of the electronic plethora available to torment people http://www.us-government-torture.com/techie.html it seems fitting that we the people subject to the whims of government programs take all to task who suggest that, all that need be done to ascertain whether a person is mentally ill or artificially made mentally ill or to seem like it be is to psychoanalyze them. Nothing could be further from the truth, we need science to fight science. The role of Doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists in known publicized experiments such as MKULTRA and Tuskegee was to whitewash and hide those experiment programs from the public and the courts.
Immorality is rife in official quarters and remains when no one questions or points out failings of those that portray immorality as delusional. Conspirators are often the ignorant perpetuating their professional opinion without fact, where they should be honest and just say maybe you need an expert in the field in which the problem exists.
Letter to Mental Health Professionals
Nov 16, 2008
Author John Mecca
www.su-government-torture.com &
Letter to Mental Health Professionals
Author John Mecca
There are a number of psychiatrists and psychologists and other authorities who regularly visit this and other websites like it claiming such is the result of mental disturbed individuals living out their delusional reality. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The information on this site and others like it is controversial for those whom have a bona fide interest in the serving the nation and communities to see that mentally disturbed individuals do not become reinforced in their delusion that they are victims of directed energy, covertly implanted devices and gang stalked.
To begin, first the author of this website and a few others have had the most advanced test done proving that they are in fact implanted with covertly installed devices emitting near lethal levels of radio and electric energy. This test was carried out using an advanced sensor conforming to C95.3-2002, subpart (5.6) of IEEE Recommended "Practice for Measurements and Computations of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields with Respect to Human Exposure".
The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) is the world's leading professional association for the advancement of technology, setting standards for industry and governments around the world.
Some authorities as mentioned in a New York Times article of Nov. 12, 2008 draw conclusions without having heard about this particular website and the test mentioned above, although innocent of having not heard about this test a surly belligerent attitude prevails in regards to the remarks from a Yale psychiatrist Dr. Ralph Hoffman who says " belief in mind control via websites like this one have belief systems like a shark that has to constantly be fed, if you don't feed the delusion sooner or later it will die out and diminish on its own accord" and from a psychologist from Britain Mr. Vaugan Bell PHD, their remarks believe an attitude of being know it alls or purposefully covering up the use of advanced weapons on individuals. If their concern were of the highest ethical and professional standards what with the current commercial activity of fabricating implants for all purposes you would think they would suggest a deeper look into the subject. Mr. Vaughan Bell PHD says that "he does not consider all people participating in Mind Control sites are delusional and that a firm diagnosis could only be done in person".
Why do highly educated individuals supposedly condemn without verification of the claims of those who say they are victims? These educated men in authority positions capable of sending people to mental hospitals upon their opinion that such behavior is a danger to the public welfare or a danger to themselves or ostensibly even adjudged to be of potential resource to terrorism as is codified in the US CODE legislation ADEPA "Anti terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1997" .
Though likely well meaning these educated Doctors are obviously suffering from a self conditioned delusional state and succumbed to a psychosis in having a God complex instigated by "egomania" in their believing they know the truth simply because they are superior in their wisdom and high learning. Alas editors too are somewhat guilty although their education is not often as broad as psychiatrists and psychologists, they still have responsibility to report the truth as is known and proven, where the editor of the story this response comes from was written by Sarah Kershaw of the NY Times. With the multi million dollar budgets allocated for investigative journalism it seems apparent that this countries holocaust would go undetected because we the victims are not important enough to spend some time and money to discover the truth, or could there be a nefarious reason, one that is to purposefully cover up. Many might think this mere delusion to think a conspiracy exists but then again there are laws in this countries US Code that are there for the very purpose to keep the lid on.
One must wonder if the attitudes of these two so called authority figures is prevalent, as such ignorance demonstrated is how we have the economic meltdown and the loss of rights, these things were done by ignorance and design to perpetuate the careers of certain individuals as well. Why don't these educated men have the generalist research knowhow training from their respective institutions of higher learning that they graduated from and got their degrees from to embark upon a wider latitude that mere speculative psychoanalysis observation of the purported victims, why not actually do a legitimate investigation or at the very least suggest one, could they be technically illiterate or are they operatives for the government to keep these things from being believed. What don't they say, well I have some worry with the advanced technology available these people may be telling the truth we should have electronic engineers and electronics tests done; no they don't say any such thing for good reason and that is that they are in a delusional state as hard heads insist electronic attacks don't exist. Are there not neuro-scientists involved with prostheses on their campuses whom could illuminate their feeble base of knowledge to understand implants and masers and gangs do indeed exist and are more than likely being tested on the victims reporting these activities.
The total intellectual property of mind control from the US Patent office is astounding and we do not even have the German, English, French, Italian, European, Japanese or Russian patents to show you but click this and see that the body's of work are enormous http://www.us-government-torture.com/techie.html and there is another facet to unveil for those seeking the truth there are laws that allow such tragedy to visit hapless innocents of our country and they can be seen and read about on http://www.secretangel.tv
Assertions by psychiatrists and psychologists that persons espousing mind control attacks are delusional are here taken to task that those authorities are ill equipped to determine any such thing, but instead engineers are needed to further investigate what psychiatrists and psychologists know nothing about. In regards to psychiatrists and psychologists being now made aware of the electronic plethora available to torment people http://www.us-government-torture.com/techie.html it seems fitting that we the people subject to the whims of government programs take all to task who suggest that, all that need be done to ascertain whether a person is mentally ill or artificially made mentally ill or to seem like it be is to psychoanalyze them. Nothing could be further from the truth, we need science to fight science. The role of Doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists in known publicized experiments such as MKULTRA and Tuskegee was to whitewash and hide those experiment programs from the public and the courts.
Immorality is rife in official quarters and remains when no one questions or points out failings of those that portray immorality as delusional. Conspirators are often the ignorant perpetuating their professional opinion without fact, where they should be honest and just say maybe you need an expert in the field in which the problem exists.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Fact Sheet 1
Fact Sheet 1
Psychiatry’s Diagnostic System:
A Manual for Selling Drugs
Psychiatry’s Diagnostic System:
A Manual for Selling Drugs
False and Misleading Advertising by Psychiatric Groups
False and Misleading Advertising by Psychiatric Groups
This public interest report reveals the largely untold story of the psychiatric-pharmaceutical lobby and its “advocacy” groups that market biased opinion about mental illness and the need for dangerous psychiatric medication to treat it. Much of their published material passes theory off as fact, thereby misleading parents and consumers.
This public interest report reveals the largely untold story of the psychiatric-pharmaceutical lobby and its “advocacy” groups that market biased opinion about mental illness and the need for dangerous psychiatric medication to treat it. Much of their published material passes theory off as fact, thereby misleading parents and consumers.
Psychiatry, the Pharmaceutical Industry and the FDA—A Destructive Alliance Endangering the Lives of Children
Psychiatry, the Pharmaceutical Industry and the FDA—A Destructive Alliance Endangering the Lives of Children
The alliance between members of the American Psychiatric Association, pharmaceutical companies and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is placing millions of children’s lives at risk. The FDA relies upon psychiatric theories about “mental disorders” and the public health of American citizens is at risk.
The alliance between members of the American Psychiatric Association, pharmaceutical companies and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is placing millions of children’s lives at risk. The FDA relies upon psychiatric theories about “mental disorders” and the public health of American citizens is at risk.
Psychiatric Diagnostic Manual Link to Drug Manufacturers
A Financial Vested Interest Harming in the Name of Mental Health Care
Psychiatric Diagnostic Manual Link to Drug Manufacturers
A Financial Vested Interest Harming in the Name of Mental Health Care
Click here to download fact sheets and reports on issues ranging from alternatives to mental health treatment and international warnings on psychiatric drugs to psychiatric fraud and abuse.
Texas Medication Algorithm Project: Allen Jones Blows the Whistle on Doctors
Allen Jones, a former investigator with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Office of Inspector General (OIG), Bureau of Special Investigations blows the whistle on the pharmaceutical-psychiatric collusion to push psychotropic drugs and drive up insurance costs.
CBS 48 Hours—A Mouthpiece for the Psychiatric/Pharma Cabal
It is no wonder that CBS’s 48 Hours show claimed that “schizophrenia” was a physically based mental “disease” requiring debilitating antipsychotic drugs—CBS receives nearly $600 million a year in drug company advertising revenues, and the antipsychotic drugs manufactured by CBS’s sponsors are extremely profitable.
Psychiatrists Cannot Predict, Treat or Cure Violent Behavior
By their own admission, psychiatrists cannot predict dangerousness. They often release violent patients from facilities, claiming they are not a threat to others, or grant them privileges that lessen security procedures. According to the American Psychiatric Association’s own Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the manual is “not sufficient to establish the existence for legal purposes of a ‘mental disorder,’ ‘mental disability,’ ‘mental disease,’ or ‘mental defect,’ in relation to competency, criminal responsibility or disability. Read more in this report.
Blaming the Brain: The “Chemical Imbalance” Fraud
The cornerstone of psychiatry’s current disease model is the theory that a brain-based, chemical imbalance causes mental illness. However, Dr. Mark Graff, Chair of Public Affairs of the American Psychiatric Association said that this theory was “probably drug industry derived.” His cohort, Dr. Steven Sharfstein, Former APA president, was forced under media pressure to admit that there is “no clean cut lab test” to determine a chemical imbalance in the brain. This is a brief synopsis of the theory behind the “chemical imbalance” fraud with expert comments debunking it.
Doctors’ Open Letter to Governments
How concerned should we be about reports that mental illness has become an epidemic striking one out of every four people in the world today? According to the source of these alarming reports—the psychiatric industry—mental illness threatens to engulf us all and can only be checked by immediate and massive increases in funding. This letter from doctors is the foreword to a CCHR booklet on the “mental illness” crisis generated by psychiatrists.
Global Burden of Disease
Flanking the rapid development of psychiatry’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Lewis Judd, director of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) from 1987 to 1990, created the psychiatric marketing strategy. It was dubbed the “Decade of the Brain” and was signed into United States law by Presidential Proclamation. Since then, terms such as “treatable brain disorder,” “no-fault brain disease” and “chemical imbalance in the brain” have been marketed. This report shows how the global burden of disease, when it relates to “mental disorders,” is a hoax.
Does Insanity Cause Crime? by Thomas S. Szasz, M.D.
This article by the renowned Dr. Thomas Szasz is reprinted by permission of Sheldon Richman, Editor, Ideas on Liberty. which is published by The Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, NY 10533.
Adolescent Suicide Rate, Not Due to Black Box Warnings
Prompted by psychiatrists with their own vested interests in pharmaceutical sales, the media spun the blame for the rise in the suicide rate for children on the “black box” warning labels placed on antidepressants. This was utterly false and this report details why.
Anatomy of an Epidemic: Psychiatric Drugs and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America, by Robert Whitaker
This article explores how, over the past fifty years, there has been an astonishing increase in severe mental illness in the United States. A review of the scientific literature reveals that it is our drug-based paradigm of care that is fueling this epidemic. The drugs increase the likelihood that a person will become chronically ill, and they induce new and more severe psychiatric symptoms in a significant percentage of patients.
Psychiatric Abuses in New York State
The report covers: deaths, abuse, crime (including massive fraud in New York State), patient abuses (including an involuntary commitment case that goes to the issue of psychiatrists’ inability to determine dangerousness), psychiatric escapees causing harm and psychiatric experiments in New York.
Mental Health Declaration of Human Rights
CCHR’s Mental Health Declaration articulates the guiding principles of CCHR and the standards against which human rights violations by psychiatry are relentlessly investigated and exposed. It has been used to expose institutional abuse and outlines how it should be reformed.
Driving Up Insurance Costs
According to psychiatrist Sander Breiner, in the Psychiatric Times, nearly 40 percent of psychiatrists in the United States are sued for malpractice during the course of their career. This can impact on the cost of general medicine. As a report entitled “Medical Malpractice Insurance” published by the Insurance Information Institute states: “Many insurers have scaled back their exposure to the medical malpractice market and, in some cases, exited the market completely.”
Mental Health Screening in Schools Leads to Dangerous Child Drugging
In 2003, a report to the federal government on “mental health care” recommended that all 52 million American schoolchildren undergo screening for “mental illness.” The report claimed—without a shred of scientific evidence—that “early detection, assessment, and links with treatment” could “prevent mental health problems from worsening….” Today, those recommendations are going into force, state by state. Get the facts and fight back.
Rutherford Sues Indiana School for Mental Health Screening without Consent, Released by Nisha Mohammed of the Rutherford Institute
South Bend, Indiana—Attorneys for The Rutherford Institute have filed a lawsuit in the US District Court for the Northern District of Indiana on behalf of an Indiana family whose 15-year-old daughter, Chelsea Rhoades, was subjected to screening. If you want to protect your child against psychiatric screening in school, this article is well worth reading.
Mental Health Fraud: Big Business
In 1991 in Dallas, Texas, two uniformed security guards pulled up in a patrol car beside 14-year-old Jeramy Harrel and took him, against his will and his mother’s protests, to a private psychiatric hospital owned by Psychiatric Institutes of America (PIA), a subsidiary of National Medical Enterprises (NME). A psychiatrist, Dr. Mark Bowlan, and a child welfare agent—who had never spoken with Jeramy or his parents—had filed an application to the court for the boy’s detention, claiming he was a “substance abuser” and that his grandparents had physically abused him. Read this story and learn more about the illegal practice of “trolling for patients.”
Psychiatric Abuses in New York State
The report covers: deaths, abuse, crime (including massive fraud in New York State), patient abuses (including an involuntary commitment case that goes to the issue of psychiatrists’ inability to determine dangerousness), psychiatric escapees causing harm and psychiatric experiments in New York.
Psychiatric Abuses in New York State
The report covers: deaths, abuse, crime (including massive fraud in New York State), patient abuses (including an involuntary commitment case that goes to the issue of psychiatrists’ inability to determine dangerousness), psychiatric escapees causing harm and psychiatric experiments in New York.
Allen Jones, a former investigator with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Office of Inspector General (OIG), Bureau...
Allen Jones, a former investigator with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Office of Inspector General (OIG), Bureau of Special Investigations blows the whistle on the pharmaceutical-psychiatric collusion to push psychotropic drugs and drive up insurance costs.
Psywar - The Real Battlefield is in the mind
Psywar - The Real Battlefield is in the mind
Uploaded on Feb 1, 2011
"A deep, richly illustrated study of the nature and history of propaganda, featuring some of the world's most insightful critics".
- Mark Achbar; Film director; 'Manufacturing Consent', 'The Corporation'
"Psywar exposes the propaganda system, providing crucial background and insight into the control of information and thought."
- Kim Petersen, Dissident Voice
"An Important work"
- Russ Baker, Journalist, Author "Family of Secrets"
"Must See"
- Tom Feeley, Information Clearing House
"Encyclopedic and riveting"
- Stephen Marshall, Guerrilla News Network
"Truly excellent"
- William Blum, journalist, Author 'Killing Hope'
"A Lucid and insightful study of the manipulation of public consciousness...Take heed."
- Michael Yates, Associate Editor, Monthly Review
"If it is your desire to understand how we are manipulated into believing the things we do -- watch this film. Every American should see it...for the sake of our future."
- Timothy Gatto, fmr Chairman, Liberal Party of America
Beder, Sharon -- Consumerism: an Historical Perspective
Chomsky, Noam -- What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream
Darwinia -- WWI Propaganda
Ewen, Stuart -- Captains of Consciousness: Advertising and the Social Roots of the Consumer Culture
Lazere, Donald -- American media and mass culture
Lutins, Allen -- An Eclectic list of Events in US Labor History
Millies, Stephen -- The Ludlow Massacre and the Birth of Company Unions
Parenti, Michael -- Super-Patriotism
Simpson, Christopher -- The Science of Coercion
Smith, Sharon -- Subterranean Fire: A History of Working-Class Radicalism in the United States
Snow, Nancy -- Propagnda, Inc., Selling America's Culture to the World
Stauber, John and Rampton, Sheldon -- Weapons of Mass Deception: The Uses of Propaganda in Bush's War on Iraq ; Toxic Sludge is Good For You
Tye, Larry -- The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays & The Birth of PR
Uploaded on Feb 1, 2011
"A deep, richly illustrated study of the nature and history of propaganda, featuring some of the world's most insightful critics".
- Mark Achbar; Film director; 'Manufacturing Consent', 'The Corporation'
"Psywar exposes the propaganda system, providing crucial background and insight into the control of information and thought."
- Kim Petersen, Dissident Voice
"An Important work"
- Russ Baker, Journalist, Author "Family of Secrets"
"Must See"
- Tom Feeley, Information Clearing House
"Encyclopedic and riveting"
- Stephen Marshall, Guerrilla News Network
"Truly excellent"
- William Blum, journalist, Author 'Killing Hope'
"A Lucid and insightful study of the manipulation of public consciousness...Take heed."
- Michael Yates, Associate Editor, Monthly Review
"If it is your desire to understand how we are manipulated into believing the things we do -- watch this film. Every American should see it...for the sake of our future."
- Timothy Gatto, fmr Chairman, Liberal Party of America
Beder, Sharon -- Consumerism: an Historical Perspective
Chomsky, Noam -- What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream
Darwinia -- WWI Propaganda
Ewen, Stuart -- Captains of Consciousness: Advertising and the Social Roots of the Consumer Culture
Lazere, Donald -- American media and mass culture
Lutins, Allen -- An Eclectic list of Events in US Labor History
Millies, Stephen -- The Ludlow Massacre and the Birth of Company Unions
Parenti, Michael -- Super-Patriotism
Simpson, Christopher -- The Science of Coercion
Smith, Sharon -- Subterranean Fire: A History of Working-Class Radicalism in the United States
Snow, Nancy -- Propagnda, Inc., Selling America's Culture to the World
Stauber, John and Rampton, Sheldon -- Weapons of Mass Deception: The Uses of Propaganda in Bush's War on Iraq ; Toxic Sludge is Good For You
Tye, Larry -- The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays & The Birth of PR
'So who is delusional now' You stupid quacks
'So who is delusional now' You stupid quacks
The psycho politics of forced mental health screenings... http://bit.ly/1Sg0bU8
The psycho politics of forced mental health screenings... http://bit.ly/1Sg0bU8
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